"It is not so much that the stress response runs out, but rather, with sufficient activation, that the stress response can become more damaging than the stressor itself, especially when the stress is purely psychological. This is a critical concept, because it underlies the emergence of much stress related disease. That the stress response itself can become harmful makes certain sense when you examine the things that occur in reaction to stress. They are generally shortsighted, inefficient, and penny-wise and dollar foolish, but they are the sorts of costly things your body has to do to respond effectively in an emergency. And if you experience everyday as an emergency, you will pay the price.
If you constantly mobilize energy at the cost of energy storage, you will never store any surplus energy. You will fatigue more rapidly, and your risk of developing a form of diabetes will even increase."
from Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers?, Spolskey p, 13
Process your stress with www.somatic-in.com
Train your stress with www.livingCRT.com
For more information about my private somatic psychotherapy practice see www.scotnicholscounseling.com