"The last two decades of the twentieth century have been characterized by a frantic search for self-improvement and purification: We join programs to give up smoking, drinking, and drugs. We train our bodies in gyms. We eat carefully controlled diets to starve our bodies into submission. We buy books on how to improve our sex lives. We live hard and fast, seeking excitement, and then recover by meditating on inner peace, chasing out-of-body experiences and longing for a less corpreal world. We spend billions of dollars on diet, fitness, entertainment, and religion, and we are still not satisfied. The simple truth is this: In seeking to perfect our bodies, tire them out, or escape them alltogether, we have forgotten a fundamental point. We cant go anywhere without them, even though we try. The body matters. It's a resource, not an object to whip into shape. It is you! Having a body is what being human is all about."
from senses wide open, Johanna Putnoi, p.6 2000