The future of our transformation will include a deep education of collaboration and supporting humans through synergy. Like plants need sun to grow, we need a force, an energy, a motivation to grow and develop. The following themes can easily be integrated into designing human gatherings, meetings, classes, conventions, families, schools, and more. How would you use this information?
The Driving Force - values and quality of life
An Application of Synergic Power: Ten Principles of Human Development
1. The principle of free existence. [choice]
2. The quality of perception principle. [vision]
3. The strength of identity principle. [confidence]
4. The principle of competence. [diversity]
5. The principle of authentic and intense commitment. [participation]
6. The principle of suspension and risk. [courage]
7. The principle of bridging the distance. [mutuality]
8. The principle of self-confirmation and self-transcendence. [respect]
9. The principle of dialectic leading to synergy. [balance]
10. The principle of feedback ordered into complexity. [development]
Charles Hampden-Turner, Radical Man, 1971 in N. Arthur Coulter, Human Synergetics, 1976, Chapter 17
from: http://www.calresco.org/wp/synergy.htm