Knowledge is just a rumor until it's in the muscle.
-- New Guinea Proverb from: http://www.alancohen.com/
What I am doing in this imaginal-telecommunication-cyber-communication place, this blog, is to assist in reclaiming our collective story, our collective narrative. What is it that we are telling ourselves about the world We are hostages to our own fortune. What leadership do we embody? Is it that of reluctant reaching? I would reach out to a friend, to the world, to a beautiful landscape. So I reach out to you and invite you to share in a new narrative design. I would like to share the stories, the in-formation, the joy in rediscovering a beautiful world. One that we build and grow through an investment in working together, right now, in present time. We are the ones we are waiting for. We are human beings that reflect and can exercise our capacities to care, to design, to love, to play, and to create. Its a good time to tune into and share some right brain growth.
The following is a powerful right brain, biological capacity:
"On a biological level compassion acts as almost the polar opposite of the fight or flight response. When young children and adults feel compassion for others their heart rate goes down from base line levels which prepares them to not flight or flee, but to approach and soothe. Compassion produces oxytocin." Dacher Keltner U.C. Berkeley see:
We have a world of content and information, but what I am interested in is the use of this content. Most of my early learning was of disjointed facts and figures and as I grew, I discovered its not the bits of information, but rather how I utilize and synthesis meaning and life into content. This blog is exploring a whole new learning: advanced learning, whole mind learning, embodied learning. This style of learning design is a process of investigation and practice that can powerfully weave left brain learning into a coherent map that lives in our whole bodymind. When we combine feeling and thought we grow and growth is joyful. New learning for a new time to design and live a beautiful future right now.
I hope you enjoy this Blog and can utilize the information to inspire and re-tell a story of life that is beautiful. Reclaiming our somatic capacity to self-design is simply growing in to mature, receptive, compassionate and caring humans.