I just posted a video on exponential change. In the face of these facts, Somatics is a profound response to our world and its change. Right now our human soul/being/body is being asked some very deep questions about our future as mammals and as embodied beings. These questions have never had to be asked prior to this time, as we have never seen such an exponential technological advance. With technology merging quickly with our lives we are facing a continual mechanization of all that is human and so our stirrings are now being felt collectively in that our webs of interconnection are now feeding us more than ever before. Somatics is a response to these questions; return to the body. We support the process of revealing what has previously been unconscious conscious and in this act we once again reclaim our deepest most ancient birth right, that of the experience of our interiority and our felt sense. This return is simple, obvious, ever present, and healing. In the face of dynamic change a return to the soma is a powerful response.
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